Recently, more and more often, you can buy used Skoda. Sellers often says, that vehicle is in better condition than reality. So you should do VIN check Skoda before buying. It is very important. You can do it yourself or check vehicle with the diagnostician. Diagnostician will tell you about problems of your vehicle, but probably not everything. Decoding VIN tell you about all problem of your car, but firstly you have to find VIN number. The most popular places are: front of the engine block, inside the driver-side, frame of the car, middle column and other places. We recommend to use our tool – huge database of vehicles which tells you where is VIN number on your vehicle.
Currently you can buy a lot of models Skoda, such as: Citigo, Fabia III, Octavia, Praktik, Roomster, Superb II, Yeti, Rapid, Popular, RSO, Pickup, Forman, Felicia, Forman, 4, 6, 120, 125, 130, 135, 136, 150, 154, 206, 254, 304. Before buy car worth to do VIN check Skoda and know history of vehicle.
Checking the VIN number – enter the car body number
Remember that before you buy, check the history of the vehicle. You do this by typing the VIN Number Skoda below:
Another important argument for buying a full report is information on whether the car did not enter Poland illegally, or to be precise: was not stolen. Unfortunately, this problem occurs more and more often and concerns all cars.
Skoda – brand history
Every year Skoda is at the top of the ranking of the most popular cars in Poland. Currently Skoda is part of the Volkswagen concern. How did the history of the brand begin? We have to go far back into the past, all the way back to 1895. Two Vaclavs (Laurin and Klement) decided to make high-class bicycles, for which they would offer service. The idea proved to be successful, which led to the production of a moped. The creation of the first Skoda car dates back to 1905. All vehicles were manufactured under the brand name Laurin & Klement. In 1928 the company was taken over by the armaments concern Skoda. World War II saw Skoda become part of the Third Reich and produce military accessories. The post-war period was a prosperous time for the brand, which was a monopolist on the Czechoslovak market.
When communism collapsed, Skoda joined Audi and Seat and became part of the Volkswagen Group. The most popular models of the brand are Octavia, Fabia, Yeti, Suberb, Roomster and Rapid.
Skoda cars enjoy unflagging popularity in Poland. Skoda Fabia is a popular fleet item among Polish companies. Skoda Octavia and Superb are cars often driven by middle managers in corporations. These facts mean that a lot of second-hand cars reach the second-hand market every year. Post-lease cars are often in poor condition, however. The technical condition of the car is rarely taken care of by the users, and is often not the declared “needle”. This is a good way to protect yourself from buying a car that will soon be out of order. The first step is to check the VIN at Skoda. Post-lease cars are serviced, so you can check the last documented mileage and history of bumps, and repairs that occurred during or after the warranty. Find out where the VIN number is on the car you are looking at and enter the Vehicle Identification Number in the box below and we will provide you with the results of our report for free.